Executive Nutrition & Wellness Coaching


K Hayter Associates

Feeling chronically fatigued is now a hugely common frustration for many Executives in the industry.

Sub-optimal diet, long hours and stress play a significant role in this and can lead to chronic health issues such as IBS, excess weight and obesity, depression, anxiety as well as insomnia, heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes (to name but a few!)

These conditions have a major impact on a professionals performance – both physically and mentally. 

Many people don’t understand that as a human there are essential Vitamins and Minerals that we need in order to just survive. However, the modern-day diet which has evolved to save us time is lacking in these vital Macro and Micronutrients.  

Our founder, Kathryn is a qualified Nutrition and Health Coach who also has first-hand experience after falling ill in 2014 whilst running KHA. This set her off on a journey of discovery about the impact of nutrition, stress and general lifestyle on health, wellness and performance.  She fully recovered a few years later and is now passionate about educating and empowering people and helping them to feel better, live more fully and not just to survive but thrive.  

After 20+ years in the Housebuilding sector working with people from Board level to middle management she has witnessed first-hand the effects of chronic stress, extended working hours as well as diets produced for convenience. 

Nutrition and health coaching is a collaborative process, it will help educate you, provide you with options to explore and assist you in ultimately making decisions and taking action that will help you feel better – meaning you have more energy to spend outside of the office as well as whilst working. 

One on One: 

Generalist nutrition and health advice is outdated, it is now understood that every individual is different and that every body responds differently to certain foods.  

We do not promote ‘quick fixes’, sustainable change takes time therefore a commitment of three months coaching, consisting of four initial sessions is required:

First Session:
Health Consultation session where we discuss what you are looking to achieve, details of your current diet and lifestyle, background and overall health concerns – this is a highly detailed fact-finding process which provides the information needed in order to create an action plan. 
(60-90 minutes)

Second Session: 
Action Plan time! This is where we offer you our thoughts, providing educational materials and scientific research and presenting options for us to co-create a sustainable action plan. This takes place around a week after the first session. 
(60 minutes)

Third Session:
Three weeks later. We review what’s been working for you (and what hasn’t) and assess overall how you have been getting on with the agreed plan. At this stage we can adjust if needed and/or use further tools to address any issues. Support and accountability offered throughout! 
(60 minutes)

Fourth Session:
A further three weeks later. Often a session where results are really starting to be seen! We will review if the original goals have been achieved and agree on a way forwards – for some this is further coaching, especially for support and accountability – for others this is how to maintain their progress on their own. 
(60 minutes) 

Following on from the initial block of four, additional sessions are optional every few weeks for as long as you feel you need the coaching in order to achieve the goals set, to look at other goals and/or just for support.

We understand that for many people diet and food in general can be a very sensitive area – please be assured we are not here to judge in any way – we are here to help and all conversations are completely confidential.  


  • £495 first four sessions (4.5 hours) 
  • £150 per session thereafter 

Team Coaching: 

Team Coaching is an interactive and collaborative way to help improve the performance of a whole department – whilst working as a team. This can be conducted for Senior Management teams or by specific disciplines and departments. 

All Group Coaching is bespoke depending on the needs and goals of the client. 

Please contact Kathryn on kathryn@khayterassociates.com for further details in the strictest of confidence.

Exceptional Relationships based on Trust


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